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Don’t lose your stuff! 

Don’t lose your stuff! 

What is Backup?  Backup is the process of creating a copy of data to protect against accidental or malicious deletion, corruption, hardware failure, ransomware attacks, and other types of data loss. Data backups can be created locally, offsite, or...

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Phishing: Don’t bite the hook

Phishing: Don’t bite the hook

What is Phishing? Phishing is a method used by hackers to send emails while appearing to be from a reputable source. Their goal is to steal sensitive data. This data could be anything from login credentials to credit card information. Phishing is...

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5 Signs It’s Time to Update Your Website Now!

5 Signs It’s Time to Update Your Website Now!

Does a department store keep the same display for years? Does the visual presentations in their store window stay the same or do they change frequently?  Physical stores nailed the marketing technique of visual merchandising from the beginning....

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