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Is your website a hidden Easter Egg?

Is your website a hidden Easter Egg?

There are millions of businesses that have listings on Google, with hundreds of thousands of business listings offering similar services to yours. If your website feels like a hidden Easter Egg among a sea of competitors – that's totally...

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Do Customers Love Your Website?

Do Customers Love Your Website?

Five best practices for a great user experience In our line of work, we have mitigated a lot of love/hate relationships between clients and their websites. Some will hold onto a website that they’ve held near and dear for 10+ years, but it’s just...

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What are your TECH-OLUTIONS for 2024?

What are your TECH-OLUTIONS for 2024?

New Year...new me...you know the drill. What are some things your business can do to make it the healthiest tech-verison of itself this year? Luckily, you don’t have to think too hard, because we asked our Twin Oaks Tech crew to share their top 6...

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